Thursday, November 8, 2012

Let me get this straight.

So before I tell you about my awesomely fun weekend in Costa Mesa, let me get this straight:

Obama is President?

For another four years?

That is gut-wrenching.

Now, let me straighten this out: I am a Republican. You can love me or hate me for it but I was raised being taught that hard-work is one of the most rewarding attributes on earth. I hate it when people are leeches and suck off people who work hard to provide for themselves and their family. I can't stand it when people tell me I'm racist when I don't vote for Obama. Really? Is that how you handle an argument and a difference of opinions? I grew up in a conservative family and can remember having discussions with my grandpa about his farm and how he provided for himself, his wife, and 6 kids. My dad is a business man so I grew up with those genes. Growing up with my dad, I inherited his political outbursts and I manage to spout off things in the middle of class which eventually led me to getting kicked out of Language Arts in 9th grade when my teacher made us watch the Inauguration speech Obama made for the 2008-2012 term. 

Fine. I didn't want to watch it anyway. So sue me. Three other kids followed me and we sat outside the door until the bell rang for 3rd period. 

So Tuesday, I went over and sat with Chet and while we were determined to do homework, we didn't get anything done. Instead, we sat there stalking about 12 different websites with the live votes being counted for hours. We had dinner and dessert but just kept sitting there. When we saw Obama's results spike over 270 to 275, my heart dropped and I threw up a little in my mouth.

You have got to be kidding me.

"The government will never make everyone equal.
  They will just make people equally miserable."

On that note. I'll go be bitter elsewhere but here is a little something to brighten your day. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The night of pumpkin seeds, messy hands and sugar hangover.

I wasn't able to spend Halloween with my family this year but I did happen to spend it with Fireman Owen, a turtle, superman and super girl! Some of the cutest kids ever. We packed some jellybeans and after an eventful day of the pumpkin patch, we loaded our pumpkins and headed back to carve and watch a Chargers game.

Yesterday, I worked and then came back to BOO-ritos (haha, I'm so clever), and cute kid smiles eager to trick-or-treat. I myself did not go out with everyone, I stayed back and passed out candy and studied for a PSYC test that I had the next day (I'm in college people, I have to be responsible every now and then ;). So anyway, I passed out candy and snacked on a few pieces myself. 

I saved all the chocolate for me! :)

Later that evening when the kids came back, they sorted candy and ate each other's while the adults tried to hide the candy buckets. They said, "out of sight, out of mind, right?" 

No. Wrong.  Kids don't forget candy, who are they kidding? They let the kids indulge themselves because they worked hard for it. 

Plus of the night- I got to hold my newborn cousin, Dylan Roy who was born the day before my birthday, October 7. 

Sidenote: I talked to my dad yesterday and his plan was to "turn off all the lights and go to bed early".
Let it be known: 1) My dad is an old man and likes his rest , and 2) My father is the Halloween Grinch folks.

Hope you had a safe and eventful Halloween!
Pumpkin Patch bound! 

The kids with Chantal.

Superman with his loot
Dylan Roy- sorry for the awful quality!