Monday, September 24, 2012


Okay, so remember when I mentioned my brand new spankin' iPhone I just got that I'm infatuated with? Well here's the story:

I've never had good luck with phones. I'm not exaggerating. Remember when the hot pink razrs were the bomb? Well, for my thirteenth birthday, I got one of those babies. My sister was peeved because she asked for one for her birthday a few months before, and my dad gave her a pack of pink (shaving) razors as a joke. Apparently she didn't think it was too funny because I got the silent treatment for weeks. Who really cared though? I had a phone that was the bee's knees. Anywho, when that became old news and it was embarrassing to own a razor, I tried to "break" my phone and succeeded. In hopes that my parents would get me a new hip phone, they instead got me the- Same. Exact. One. Who was I kidding?

Anyway, so we were up in Montana one year and I dropped THAT pink razr in the snow and the next morning my dad almost ran over it while he was on a snowmobile (no joke). So that I put that in front of a to-go heater for two days and it worked except for the screen so I couldn't see anything. It was real awkward when someone would call that I didn't want to talk to and be like, "Oh, hiii". Like I said, awkward. So last year before I went to Georgia in September, that phone kicked the bucket and my dad was like, "you are NOT going across the country without a phone. so he got me the phone you see in the first picture. Lived with that stupid thing till a few weeks ago when he decided to upgrade me and my sister to iPhones. What a gem!

So, let me just say this loud and clear: My sister, Caily, cannot, for the life of her, keep a secret. I always knew about the secrets, I'm a good secret-keeper. One weekend my parents wanted to surprise us kids with tickets to DisneyLand. I knew about that for weeks. And when my uncle flew out from Oklahoma when we were little, I kept that a secret for weeks too.  Caily always complained that she never knew anything. (Uhh, can I tell you why?)So, my dad thought it would be brilliant to tell my sister about these new phones and tell her to keep a secret. Guess who spilled the beans? Yep, Caily.

I love my new phone, all the gadgets and whatnot. Siri, is such a sass though, so be careful. Plus, it's sparkly white, like the whites of your eyeballs.

So here is my first phone.
And please excuse the 'do, I just got back from work.
Who am I kidding? That's my hair everyday ;)

Ain't it gawjus?
Told you Siri is a sass.
 Like I said, my hair is always a mess.
But apparently, she's feels it necessary to broadcast that. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Fall Y'all!

Okay, so let me start off by saying that I am terribly sorry that I haven't been updating as often as I said I would. I woke up today with a feeling of having to be productive. Being the first day of fall, I decided to sit down and have at it.

Fall is one of my favorite seasons. Actually, I like every season. Every single season comes with perks. Winter, I mostly spend in Montana where snow blankets the ground and the trees are absolutely beautiful. It doesn't hurt to spend a White Christmas with your family either ;) My dad loves winter because he gets to snowmobile and ski and be outdoors-y. Spring is okay, my grandpa loved it because that's when he planted his garden and spent most of his time outside. Summer of course, because it's when you get up at noon and put your bathing suit on. I mean who, in their own right mind doesn't like that? Pure joy. And Fall because it's when the air is crisp and cool and you can dress in layers. Fall is my momma's favorite season, so when I was little, she made her famous pumpkin muffins at least once a week and would pass them out to neighbors and friends. Plus, she would always come into our school classes and read Too Many Pumpkins with Rebecca Estelle and her ever-growing supply of pumpkins.

So today, on a Saturday, first day of Fall, I woke up with the sky overcast and my room was cold and I just snuggled under my blankets. It's just the simple things. Making coffee and blogging in my tie-dye shirt my cousin made me is just simply peaceful.

Oh, another thing, I was never too fond of the saying, "Happy Fall Y'all". My mom always uses it and I thought it was kinda obnoxious but I'm growing to like it and I thought it was appropriate for this occasion:) So, my hope for you is that your day is also fun and you wake up feeling giddy about a new season and new opportunities!

Montana and it's beauty. Need I say more?

Montana once again.
Surprise, surprise!

Enjoy your day!